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1927 University of Chattanooga Yearbook, The Moccasin

The following names are taken from The Moccasin, 1927, the yearbook of the University of Chattanooga. The seniors are each on a separate page, have a photo, offices & activities listed and a paragraph about them. The faculty have a photo and information on their education & positions held. The underclassmen have an individual photo.

We will copy the persons info, including any clubs or groups they belong to and also general pictures of the campus, etc... to give you a feel for how things were when they attended school.

An interesting note for those who know much about the school, a place called, "Chamberlain Field", was being built and there are 2 pages of photos of the construction.

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Item # 10252A, Each Person Price $8.00

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Students (A-K) Students (L-Y) Faculty & Officers
Abel, Arabelle
Acuff, Mary Ellen
Alfred, Lucia
Allen, Lucille
Allison, Morgan
Allison, Nina P.
Arnold, Maude
Aucott, Everest
Backus, Edward N.
Bagby, Mary Esther
Barker, Hampton E.
Barker, Paul A.
Barnes, Claude
Barnes, John R.
Baron, Goldie
Battle, Margaret
Baty, Mary Louise
Becker, William A.
Beckham, Dulaney F.
Belcher, Charles
Bell, Maude
Bell, Ray
Bergheimer, Alfred
Bird, Anna Lou
Bird, Eunice
Bird, Horace
Bird, Roy S.
Bishop, Lowell H.
Blakely, Mary Dorothy
Blevins, Kitty Margaret
Blocker, Josephine
Bolen, Frank
Bowen, Grace Burnett
Boyd, Inez
Brammer, Lena E.
Brandt, William
Brewer, Sebert
Briggs, Charles, Jr.
Brown, Dorothy
Brown, Edward
Burkhart, Herman
Butler, Irene M.
Callahan, North
Cardwell, Raymond
Cardwell, Robert
Carlock, Verda
Carter, Edwin M.
Cate, William
Caton, Alice
Chambers, Josephine
Chapman, Charles
Clark, Beulah
Cleere, Colista
Cole, J. Henry
Collins, S. P.
Condra, Nellie
Conn, Virginia
Corley, Andrew J., Jr.
Cory, Hugh M., Jr.
Cox, James N.
Crawford, Edna
Creighton, Paul
Creighton, Willie Sue
Crooks, Emma Ree
Crozier, Dorothy
Crytzer, Dale
Curry, James Edwin
Curtis, W. R.
Daniels, Parker
Davidson, Dorothy
Davis, Louise
Deakins, Felton M.
Deuberry, Harry, Jr.
Dredwine, Harold
Edwards, Elizabeth
Edwards, Imogene
Elberfeld, Edith
Elberfeld, Nan
Elberfield, Miriam
Evans, Medford
Evans, Otis L.
Faires, Clarence
Feehan, Francis C.
Fennell, Harold H.
Ferguson, Helen
Findley, Bowden H.
Fleming, Elsie Jane
Foster, Kathleen
Foust, Alice
Fox, Elizabeth
French, Dorothy C.
Fridell, Hubert
Gance, Lillian
Garmany, Hampton
Garrett, Alma Ruth
Gass, J. Francis
Glass, John W., Jr.
Goodloe, Ollie
Gosnell, Dorothy
Grant, Harry
Griffen, Lawrence R.
Grisby, Blanche
Gross, Elsie
Grosser, Oscar G.
Guy, Ward
Hackett, Dorothy
Halberstadt, Margaret
Hall, Emily
Hall, Harry, Jr.
Hane, Wilbur
Hannan, R. Neil
Hargroves, Ella Frances
Harralson, Mary C.
Harrell, Will Owen
Harris, Charles
Harris, Hugh
Hartung, Carl
Hartung, Julia M.
Heckerman, Ann
Heywood, Humphrey H.
Hill, Herbert Haines
Hill, Luther H.
Hinton, John
Hobbs, Robert A., Jr.
Hodge, Clarence
Hodge, Clarence
Hodge, Oliver
Hogshead, Virginia
Holbert, Belle
Holland, Cecil
Hood, Robert J.
Jackson, Lee
Johnson, Cleo
Johnson, Glenn
Johnson, Mamye Jo
Johnson, Mildred
Johnson, Robert A.
Jones, Alice Courtney
Jones, Elizabeth
Jones, Jeanette
Jones, Thelma Lee
Kaderly, Margaret
Kaderly, Virginia
Katchen, Isadore
Kirkland, Mary
Kirkman, Lila W.
Klein, Marie
Kopcha, Joe
Landis, Edward
Landress, Elizabeth
Latimer, Dorothy
Lautzenheiser, Charles W.
Lawless, Cathryn
Lea, Nancy
Lee, Fay
Lee, Haynes Alexander
Lee, Magness
Lehman, Margurite
Lillard, Cecil
Littlejohn, Jessie Lee
Llewellyn, Smythe
Long, Dorothy
Lotspeich, Orville
Lowry, Earl C.
Lowry, Kermit
Lundy, George W.
Manson, Tim J., Jr.
Martin, Jane
Massey, Winston
Mauldin, Joseph M.
Maxwell, Ovie
Mcbrien, Katherine
McCoy, George
McCullough, Stansel
McGhee, Mary Frances
McLeod, Marjorye
McWhorter, Billie
Miller, S. F.
Moffitt, Walter V.
Moore, Adam H.
Morgan, Leslie H.
Morgan, Robert L.
Moss, William
Mull, Lucille
Murphree, Hobart
Nelson, Vesta
Nichols, Vernon C.
Nicholson, Oscar
Nipper, Louis
Overbay, Joe H.
Owens, Sam
Parker, M. F., Jr.
Patten, Z. Lupton
Patty, John
Pearce, Ruth
Peart, Annie Evelyn
Perry, Alice
Petitt, Jean
Phelps, Elizabeth Campbell
Phipps, Ruby J.
Posey, Earl L.
Pryor, Evelyn
Pryor, Helen
Randle, Doris Mae
Raulston, Sarah Keith
Ray, George
Raymo, Arthur
Reed, Mary Lee
Rice, Leon D.
Rice, Mary Ellen
Roberts, Katherine
Rogers, Paul
Scholze, Ruth J.
Schwartz, Lewis E.
Scott, Mitchell
Seiter, Pauline
Shahan, Martha
Shipp, Margaret
Shrader, John B.
Shumacker, Harris
Sill, Raymond
Silverman, Isador
Silverman, Rose
Simmonds, Virginia
Simmons, Floyd E.
Simpson, Robert
Slabosky, Louis
Sliger, Elizabeth
Smartt, Vaughn
Smith, Alya Dean
Smith, Austin
Smith, Carolyn Graham
Smith, J. Edward
Smith, Murray
Smith, Robert
Smith, Sylvester Newton
Srite, Addie B.
Stanford, Gene
Stein, Miriam
Stephenson, Charles W.
Stewart, Robert W.
Stong, Margaret
Strickland, Dorothy
Strong, Kenneth
Sweet, David
Swingle, Donald R.
Swisher, Damon
Tatum, Catherine
Thach, Tom
Thompson, Hollie P.
Thompson, Milton
Thompson, Rita
Tritt, Lorene
Vanderporten, E. F.
Viers, Dale
Walker, Curtis
Walker, James E., Jr.
Wallace, Ernest
Walters, Martin T.
Walters, Reese L.
Walton, J. D.
Ward, William A., Jr.
Wasson, Marian
Wescher, Virginia
Wheeler, Russell
Wheland, George E.
White, Elizabeth
White, Florence
White, Georgia
Wieczorek, Thomas
Wiggins, J. William
Wilber, Dorothy
Wilkey, Katherine
Willaims, Joseph W.
Williams, Lucille
Williams, Marinell
Willis, Sam E.
Wilson, Margaret Lee
Winer, Rae
Wise, Margaret
Wise, Marshall
Wyatt, Jack
Young, Mary


Abernathy, Thomas Perkins
Blocker, Betty
Bretske, Stanley F.
Brown, Arlo Ayres
Clemmer, Lee
Coolidge, Ellen Morrill
Cornelius, David William
Edwards, Imogene
Edwards, John William
Evans, Medford
Grant, Harry
Green, Wyman Reed
Griscom, Isobel
Hartung, Carl
Hooper, Frank Finley
Johnson, Claudius Osborne
Kline, Earl Kilburn
Leatherman, George A.
Lindsey, Edwin S.
Lowry, Earl
Manson, Tim
McLemore, James S.
Owen, Blinn
Owens, Sam
Palmer, Paul Lester
Patten, Lupton
Perry, Ruth Clark
Phelps, Clyde William
Prince, John W.
Reagan, Robert P.
Redd, William Cooper
Saunders, J. W., Mrs.
Silverman, Isador
Smith, Margaret
Smith, Maxwell Austin
Snow, Louis Frqanklin
Swingle, Donald
Tansey, Viola
Tatum, Terrell
Thomas, Frank William
Tietze, Godfrey
Villemeur, Yvonne
Wieczorek, Tom





















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