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Dedication Class, Ancient Accepted
Scottish Rite, Valley of Indianapolis, Fall 1929
Photographs and some personal background on each man inducted into
the lodge in late 1929.
To quote from the introduction, "That these memories may not
be lost but remain ever fresh...Pictures, words and paper of themselves
are of small value at their best, but the thought and associations back
of these pages are the essence of life itself...The dust of time may
accumulate on our copies as the years turn our hair gray but may the
memories contained in this book remain bright and inspiring..."
We will send you copies of the introduction, the induction ceremony
and the page with your ancestor's picture and short biography.

Item # 10111 |
Price $5 per man |
Adams, Raymond J. Indianapolis, IN
Akers, Floyd C. Wilkinson, IN
Albers, W. C. Indianapolis, IN
Albertson, Herbert E. Indianapolis, IN
Albright, Chester W. Indianapolis, IN
Alexander, Albert M. Indianapolis, IN
Allen, Eugene C. Sulphur Springs, IN
Allen, Leslie L. Indianapolis, IN
Amick, Kenneth E. Indianapolis, IN
Anderson, Harry C. Indianapolis, IN
Andrew, Robert H. Chicago, IL
Arbuckle, Earl T. Shelbyville, IN
Asche, George B. Indianapolis, IN
Ash, Cloyde C. Indianapolis, IN
Ashley, Clendus North Vernon, IN
Atkinson, James M. Eaton, IN
Aulls, Thomas A. Indianapolis, IN
Avery, Charles A. Martinsville, IN
Babcock, Charles C. Indianapolis, IN
Bade, George C. Indianapolis, IN
Badger, Charles L. Indianapolis, IN
Bain, Lowell H. Indianapolis, IN
Baird, Russel C. Indianapolis, IN
Bakemeier, Otto H. Indianapolis, IN
Baker, David M. Indianapolis, IN
Baker, Demcy C. Martinsville, IN
Baker, Russell G. Anderson, IN
Baker, Sampson R. Martinsville, IN
Baney, Harry N. Muncie, IN
Banta, Leonard E. Indianapolis, IN
Barber, Frederick T. Anderson, IN
Barber, John W. Anderson, IN
Barkley, Merrill B. Indianapolis, IN
Barnaby, Charles H. Greencastle, IN
Barnard, William O. Newcastle, IN
Barnes, J. Wallace Indianapolis, IN
Barnes, Richard H. Indianapolis, IN
Barney, Merle Indianapolis, IN
Barrett, Thomas R. Anderson, IN
Barrow, Arthur W. Indianapolis, IN
Bartlow, Harry M. Anderson, IN
Beach, Hallie C. Indianapolis, IN
Bechtold, Royal A. Indianapolis, IN
Becker, Ralph L. Indianapolis, IN
Becker, Robert N. Indianapolis, IN
Bedford, Horace E. Anderson, IN
Beem, John D. Spencer, IN
Beeson, George P. Indianapolis, IN
Bell, Claude E. Muncie, IN
Bell, Leo D. Indianapolis, IN
Bennett, Frank E. Indianapolis, IN
Bennett, Laverne Indianapolis, IN
Bereman, Ernest L. Indianapolis, IN
Bergen, Everett D., Jr. Indianapolis, IN
Best, Claus H. Indianapolis, IN
Bettcher, William H. Indianapolis, IN
Beyersdorfer, Carl H. Indianapolis, IN
Bibler, Henry E. Muncie, IN
Binkley, Howard C. Indianapolis, IN
Bird, Charles J. Anderson, IN
Birkenruth, Jason E. Indianapolis, IN
Bixler, George M. Indianapolis, IN
Boatright, Wm. B. Indianapolis, IN
Bock, Clarence L. Muncie, IN
Bossart, Emil S. Indianapolis, IN
Bottle, Harry L. Anderson, IN
Bowers, Ralph K. Indianapolis, IN
Boyce, Guy C. Indianapolis, IN
Boyer, Clyde I. Indianapolis, IN
Bradley, James L. Edinsburg, IN
Bradway, Almyr Indianapolis, IN
Brammer, Howard E. Newcastle, IN
Bramwood, John W. Indianapolis, IN
Brandenburger, Russell Indianapolis, IN
Brandt, Fred W. Bridgeport, IN
Brann, Richard E. Indianapolis, IN
Bridge, Donald U. Indianapolis, IN
Broady, Ward E. Indianapolis, IN
Browder, Robert B. Indianapolis, IN
Brown, Arthur T. Indianapolis, IN
Brown, Ernest R. Indianapolis, IN
Brown, Hugh W. Monrovia, IN
Brown, James W. Anderson, IN
Brown, Paul Bloomington, IN
Brown, Paul D. Westfield, IN
Browning, Porter E. Bloomington, IN
Broyles, Clyde H. Anderson, IN
Bruce, Ernest P. Indianapolis, IN
Brunson, Ores R. Mooreland, IN
Brutcher, Virgil J. Indianapolis, IN
Bryan, Harry N. Indianapolis, IN
Bryan, Paulie L. Indianapolis, IN
Bryant, Charles McK. Anderson, IN
Buckner, Edwin R. Indianapolis, IN
Buddenbaum, Louis G. Indianapolis, IN
Burcaw, Raymond, C. Indianapolis, IN
Burnett, Harry B. Indianapolis, IN
Burns, William E. Indianapolis, IN
Burtis, Russell R. Indianapolis, IN
Burton, John D. Indianapolis, IN
Buses, Oscar G. Indianapolis, IN
Byington, Harold S. Indianapolis, IN
Byrne, Edward L. Indianapolis, IN
Byrum, Charles A. Indianapolis, IN
Callon, Harry, Jr. Indianapolis, IN
Cambridge, Everett R. Indianapolis, IN
Cameron, Albert B. Indianapolis, IN
Campbell, Bartlett H. Anderson, IN
Campbell, Donald H. Indianapolis, IN
Campbell, Guy H. Shelbyville, IN
Campbell, Ted M. Indianapolis, IN
Carey, Walter L. Indianapolis, IN
Carlisle, Rogers W. Indianapolis, IN
Carpenter, Amos E. Indianapolis, IN
Carpenter, Arle Atlanta, IN
Carpenter, Guy O. Crawfordsville, IN
Carpenter, Virgil Indianapolis, IN
Carr, John R. Indianapolis, IN
Carter, Elzie O. Indianapolis, IN
Carter, Homer H. Indianapolis, IN
Carter, Issac Indianapolis, IN
Carter, Maurice D. Indianapolis, IN
Carter, Ralph E. Anderson, IN
Carver, Roscoe A. Indianapolis, IN
Cascadden, Earle S. Lapel, IN
Chapman, John H. Indianapolis, IN
Childers, Foust H. Anderson, IN
Chumlea, Leon W. Lebanon, IN
Churchman, Henry C. Indianapolis, IN
Clark, George C. Indianapolis, IN
Cleaver, Carl D. Anderson, IN
Clements, LeRoy M. Indianapolis, IN
Clore, Guy W. Indianapolis, IN
Closson, Ralph W. Logansport, IN
Colvin, Clancy Shelbyville, IN
Cones, Chester W., Sr. Indianapolis, IN
Conkle, Roscoe Indianapolis, IN
Conn, Morris M. Indianapolis, IN
Converse, Warren H. Newcastle, IN
Cook, Clarence A. Indianapolis, IN
Cook, James L., Jr. Indianapolis, IN
Cooper, Ernest W. Indianapolis, IN
Cornelius, Pembroke Indianapolis, IN
Cornelius, Philip M. Indianapolis, IN
Coval, Frank H. Indianapolis, IN
Cox, George L. Indianapolis, IN
Cox, Ottis H. Anderson, IN
Cox, William L. Indianapolis, IN
Coy, Harris S. Anderson, IN
Craft, Mino L. Brownstown, IN
Crenshaw, James G. Indianapolis, IN
Crews, Elmer A. Indianapolis, IN
Criswell, John D. Fredericksburg, IN
Cure, Elmer T. Muncie, IN
Curran, John B. Indianapolis, IN
Currie, Lee R. Bloomington, IN
Curry, Bernard L. Indianapolis, IN
Curry, Frank L. Indianapolis, IN
Dahl, Viggo Indianapolis, IN
Darrow, James C. Indianapolis, IN
Dart, James A. Indianapolis, IN
Davis, Gale Anderson, IN
Davis, Paul T. Bloomington, IN
Dawson, Charles M. Indianapolis, IN
Deardorff, Oliver M. Muncie, IN
Deck, George H. Indianapolis, IN
Deitrick, Walter W. Indianapolis, IN
Dennis, Robert Indianapolis, IN
Denny, James W. Indianapolis, IN
Dickinson, Tine P. Indianapolis, IN?
Dicks, Forrest A. Indianapolis, IN
Dipple, Harry L. Indianapolis, IN
Dithmer, Henry L, Jr. Indianapolis, IN
Dithmer, Walter G. Indianapolis, IN
Dittemore, Gaylord W. Indianapolis, IN
Dixon, Frank L. Indianapolis, IN
Dixon, John W. Indianapolis, IN
Dobson, Clarence O. Muncie, IN
Doll, John C. Indianapolis, IN
Domar, Nicklous G. Indianapolis, IN
Dougan, Lewis E. Indianapolis, IN
Dougherty, Edward P. Indianapolis, IN
Drompp, Frederick G. Logansport, IN
Duddy, Edward C. Indianapolis, IN
DuFour, Wilfred Indianapolis, IN
Duke, Harley C. Fishers, IN
Dunn, Jesse M. Indianapolis, IN
Dunphy, Clifford G. Indianapolis, IN
Durbin, David A. Indianapolis, IN
Duvall, Leslie L. Indianapolis, IN
Dynes, Harry B. Indianapolis, IN
Earl, Robert R. Indianapolis, IN
Eberhart, George E. Lawrenceburg, IN
Eder, Albert G. Clinton, IN
Egbert, Roy Indianapolis, IN
Egloff, Sidney Carbon, IN
Elliott, Edward J. Indianapolis, IN
Elliott, Maurice B. Plainfield, IN
Elliott, Richard R. Kokomo, IN
Elliott, William D. Anderson, IN
Ellis, George F. Indianapolis, IN
Emhardt, John T. Indianapolis, IN
Empson, Francis M. Brownstown, IN
Emrod, Alexander H. Indianapolis, IN
Engleman, Ivan C. Indianapolis, IN
Engler, William B. Indianapolis, IN
Fadely, Leon B. Mooreland, IN
Fagan, Howard S. Bloomington, IN
Fagan, Sam. G. Bloomington, IN
Failing, Harvey M. Indianapolis, IN
Farren, Robert W. Indianapolis, IN
Fate, Clarence P. Crown Point, IN
Ferguson, J. Will Richmond, IN
Ferguson, John I. Indianapolis, IN
Fertig, Dayton D. Franklin, IN
Fike, Herbert G. Indianapolis, IN
Fisher, Charles W. Indianapolis, IN
Fisher, Ralph B. Indianapolis, IN
Fisher, W. Roland Anderson, IN
Fletcher, Robert D. Aurora, IN
Floyd, Edgar F. Indianapolis, IN
Foote, George L. Indianapolis, IN
Forrest, John Pittsburgh, PA
Forrest, Joseph H. Indianapolis, IN
Forslund, Lee F. Indianapolis, IN
Forsythe, Clarence L. Indianapolis, IN
Foster, Edward B. Indianapolis, IN
Foster, Harry, D.D.S. Indianapolis, IN
Foxx, Maynard R. Indianapolis, IN
Freitag, Robert M. Indianapolis, IN
French, Oakleigh R. Indianapolis, IN
Freund, Fred C. Indianapolis, IN
Friddle, James H. Indianapolis, IN
Fritz, Jacob C. Linton, IN
Fry, George G. Indianapolis, IN
Fulton, William R. Indianapolis, IN
Gable, Homer B. Monticello, IN
Gammon, Gale E. Anderson, IN
Garland, Fabian M. Indianapolis, IN
Garrison, Charles R. Anderson, IN
Gates, Robert E. Indianapolis, IN
Gaunt, Floyd Anderson, IN
Gauss, Julius H. P. Indianapolis, IN
Geckler, Maurice T. Indianapolis, IN
Gellespie, Joseph F. Greencastle, IN
Gemmer, Gideon Indianapolis, IN
Gemmer, Hiram C. G. Indianapolis, IN
Gentry, William Earl Indianapolis, IN?
Gerlach, Carl Indianapolis, IN
Gibney, Albert C. Indianapolis, IN
Gibson, Walter E. Eaton, IN
Gilchrist, Job J. Indianapolis, IN
Gillam, Willard A. Lafayette, IN
Gillespie, Robert A. Frankfort, IN
Gilmour, John H. Clinton, IN
Glossbrenner, Daniel I. Oaklandon, IN
Gluesenkamp, Harvey A. Indianapolis, IN
Goett, Henry O. Indianapolis, IN
Golding, Charles W. Indianapolis, IN
Good, Floyd C. Whiteland, IN
Goodall, Wilmot C. Indianapolis, IN
Goodwin, Maurice C. Newcastle, IN
Gordon, Alex E. Indianapolis, IN
Goshorn, Ernest C. Indianapolis, IN
Gosma, Peter W. West Lafayette, IN
Graff, John G. Richmond, IN
Gramer, George W. Indianapolis, IN
Gray, Herman B. Indianapolis, IN
Gregson, William Clinton, IN
Grider, Neal Indianapolis, IN
Griener, Clarence E. Indianapolis, IN
Griffith, Courtland C. Indianapolis, IN
Griggs, James W. Indianapolis, IN
Grimes, Paul C. Indianapolis, IN
Gunckel, Clarence E. Indianapolis, IN
Gunn, Charles W. Greenfield, IN
Hadley, Walter E. Indianapolis, IN
Hagemier, Oscar C. Indianapolis, IN
Hall, Peter M. Indianapolis, IN
Hamer, Mark E. Indianapolis, IN
Hamilton, Bertis F. Greenwood, IN
Hamilton, Kenneth R. Indianapolis, IN
Hammel, Victor C. Indianapolis, IN
Hammerly, Harry F. New Augusta, IN
Hammond, Robert F. Indianapolis, IN
Hammons, William H. Indianapolis, IN
Hampton, Charles G. Muncie, IN
Hanford, Charles L. Indianapolis, IN
Hanle, Oscar A. Indianapolis, IN
Hanna, Arthur H. Indianapolis, IN
Hanna, Grover Indianapolis, IN
Haramy, John J. Indianapolis, IN
Hardesty, Clyde G. Newcastle, IN
Hare, Clyde W. Bloomington, IN
Harms, Edward C. Indianapolis, IN
Harper, Edmund D. Indianapolis, IN
Harper, Floyd L. Martinsville, IN
Harper, Wilson B. Indianapolis, IN
Harrell, Glenn O. Newcastle, IN
Harrison, Benjamin L. Newcastle, IN
Harter, Horace M. Newcastle, IN
Hartman, Russe H. Indianapolis, IN
Hartwell, Walter C. Newcastle, IN
Hatton, Olin L. Indianapolis, IN
Haught, William M. Indianapolis, IN
Hawekotte, John L. Indianapolis, IN
Headlee, Ross J. Indianapolis, IN
Heckman, Charles E. Indianapolis, IN
Heller, Ellsworth E. Indianapolis, IN
Henderson, Leon B. Lafayette, IN
Henderson, Mart L. Indianapolis, IN
Henderson, William A. Bedford, IN
Hendren, Curtis C. Bloomfield, IN
Henry, Theodore Indianapolis, IN
Herbst, Lawrence J. Indianapolis, IN
Heuss, Charles C. Indianapolis, IN
Hiatt, Ord Indianapolis, IN
Hiday, John L. Fortville, IN
Higgins, William G. Indianapolis, IN
Hilgemeier, Edward H. Indianapolis, IN
Hill, Roscoe Lebanon, IN
Hinshaw, E. Henry Indianapolis, IN
Hinshaw, John R. Newcastle, IN
Hirschman, Harry Indianapolis, IN
Hobbs, John W. Indianapolis, IN
Hodges, James L. Indianapolis, IN
Hodshire, Frank L. Monticello, IN
Holaday, Willard G. Indianapolis, IN
Hollenback, Raymond Indianapolis, IN
Holler, Walter E. Indianapolis, IN
Hollingsworth, B. Frank Indianapolis, IN
Hollingsworth, Cecil E. Indianapolis, IN
Hooser, Charles E. Indianapolis, IN
Hoover, Earl M. Indianapolis, IN
Hoover, Harry H. Indianapolis, IN
Hope, Frank D. Bloomington, IN
Hopkins, George E. Indianapolis, IN
Hottel, Henley T. Indianapolis, IN
Howard, Elmer E. Indianapolis, IN
Hughes, Chester S. Anderson, IN
Hughes, Noble A. Danville, IN
Hughes, Virgil L. Danville, IN
Huhn, John Indianapolis, IN
Humfleet, Rufus E. Eden, IN
Hunter, Clyde D. Indianapolis, IN
Hupp, Arthur F. Indianapolis, IN
Hurd, William F. Indianapolis, IN
Hurst, Clarence R. Indianapolis, IN
Hurt, Clyde O. Indianapolis, IN
Hyatt, Carl E. Indianapolis, IN
Hyatt, Wallace A. Greensburg, IN
Ice, Eugene B. Mt. Summit, IN
Iler, Frank Anderson, IN
Ingalls, Lewis Bedford, IN
Ingalls, Robert Spencer, IN
Irrgang, Gustave C. Indianapolis, IN
Irwin, Ora W. Attica, IN
Isanogel, Alpha M. Anderson, IN
Jackman, Willis L. Indianapolis, IN
Jackson, Homer N. Terre Haute, IN
Jackson, Hugh F. Clayton, IN
Jackson, Oliver W. Anderson, IN
James, Howard E. Indianapolis, IN
Jameson, Donald O. B. Indianapolis, IN
Jennings, Ardra H. Elwood, IN
Jessup, Leland A. Mooresville, IN
Johnson, Layton Atlanta, IN
Johnson, Maxwell S. Clinton, IN
Johnson, Perry Atlanta, IN
Johnson, Wilbur H. Thorntown, IN
Johnston, Roscoe C. Indianapolis, IN
Jones, Floyd Indianapolis, IN
Jones, Jasper L. Martinsville, IN
Joseph, Abraham N. Indianapolis, IN
Joyce, Robert P. Indianapolis, IN
Julian, Ward H. Indianapolis, IN
Kahl, Marvin P. Indianapolis, IN
Kahler, William S. Indianapolis, IN
Kail, Gobel E. Indianapolis, IN
Karst, George P. Indianapolis, IN
Kassenberg, William A. Indianapolis, IN
Keever, Lloyd C. Muncie, IN
Kegrice, Newton W. Indianapolis, IN
Kellams, Amal D. Bedford, IN
Keller, William A., Jr. Indianapolis, IN
Kelley, James B. Indianapolis, IN
Kelly, William N. Clinton, IN
Kemper, William A. Indianapolis, IN
Kendall, John A. Plainfield, IN
Kendall, Kirk J. Atlanta, GA
Kern, Frank X. Indianapolis, IN
Kerr, Wade H. Spiceland, IN
Kerzan, John, Jr. Linton, IN
Kessel, John D. Newcastle, IN
Ketcham, Henry L. Bloomington, IN
Kilgore, William B. Indianapolis, IN
King, Harry K. Muncie, IN
King, James A. Anderson, IN
King, Walter L. Indianapolis, IN
King, William F. Indianapolis, IN
Kinsey, Clarence V. Beech Grove, IN
Kirby, William S. Indianapolis, IN
Kirkpatrick, Robert O. Indianapolis, IN
Kirshman, Forrest E. Muncie, IN
Kleinsmith, Maurice E. Mulberry, IN
Kligensmith, Aaron E. Indianapolis, IN
Knippenberg, Hugh M. Indianapolis, IN
Knowles, James W. Indianapolis, IN
Koehne, George W. Indianapolis, IN
Kohl, William M. Columbus, IN
Kolb, Frederick H. Madison, IN
Kramer, Fred G. Terre Haute, IN
Krause, Frank Indianapolis, IN
Krebs, Lester G. Plainfield, IN
Kruse, Herbert C. Indianapolis, IN
Kuhn, Edwin J. Indianapolis, IN
Kuntz, Herman W., M.D. Indianapolis, IN
Lacker, William H. Indianapolis, IN
Largent, Otto H. Indianapolis, IN
Lasher, Clinton D. Indianapolis, IN
Laufer, Carl J. Indianapolis, IN
Law, Robert C. Noblesville, IN
Lawrence, Richard H. Dayton, OH
Laws, Merle W. Indianapolis, IN
Leavitt, Roscoe C. Indianapolis, IN
Lee, Delzie R. Indianapolis, IN
Lee, Tellas D. Indianapolis, IN
LeFeber, Harold A. Indianapolis, IN
Leiendecker, Edgar L. Indianapolis, IN
Leslie, Gaylord M. Indianapolis, IN?
LeValley, William H. Indianapolis, IN
Lewis, Frank D. Indianapolis, IN
Lines, William H. Bridgeport, IN
Logan, George N. Newcastle, IN
Logan, Robert J. Anderson, IN
Long, Fred W. Indianapolis, IN
Long, James C. Indianapolis, IN
Long, Robert D. Lebanon, IN
Loop, Ernest A. Indianapolis, IN
Louden, Edward B. Indianapolis, IN
Lowe, John L. Monticello, IN
Lykins, Leighton L. Indianapolis, IN
Lyon, George P. Indianapolis, IN
Lyons, Herbert Indianapolis, IN
Lytle, W. Vernon Greencastle, IN
Maas, Otto C. Indianapolis, IN
Macy, Bern Thorntown, IN
Macy, Otis L. Indianapolis, IN
Maginity, Robert L. Indianapolis, IN
Mahan, Alfred H. Richmond, IN
Mallery, Melvin Noblesville, IN
Malone, William Anderson, IN
Manly, Frank P. Indianapolis, IN
Manville, Charles J. Indianapolis, IN
Mariani, Edward A. Richmond, IN
Marinos, Thomas G. Indianapolis, IN
Marquette, George W. Brooklyn, IN
Martin, Blynn L. Muncie, IN
Martin, E. E. Indianapolis, IN
Martin, Harrison I. Indianapolis, IN
Martin, Hubert P. Terre Haute, IN
Martin, J. D. Indianapolis, IN
Martin, Nolan R. Indianapolis, IN
Martin, Ulice Indianapolis, IN
Mason, Paul C. Indianapolis, IN
Mason, Wilfred R. Indianapolis, IN
Mavis, Louis J., Jr. Indianapolis, IN
Mavity, Harry E. Indianapolis, IN
May, Walter A. Indianapolis, IN
McAninch, Fred L. Indianapolis, IN
McAra, John D. Indianapolis, IN
McCann, Carl Indianapolis, IN
McCarty, Carl G. Indianapolis, IN
McClain, Paul Whiteland, IN
McClellan, Samuel A. Whiteland, IN
McClurg, Ralph C. Monticello, IN
McCormick, Wilbert L. Clayton, IN
McCoy, James R. Indianapolis, IN
McCrea, Frank F. Indianapolis, IN
McCune, Nathan C. Jefferson Co., IN
McDonald, John, Jr. Speedway, IN
McDonald, Paul T. Indianapolis, IN
McGriff, William J. Indianapolis, IN
McIlquham, William W. Indianapolis, IN
McIntire, Eugene Indianapolis, IN
McKay, Oscar R. Indianapolis, IN
McKeighan, Mogol V. Indianapolis, IN
McKinney, Kenneth E. Tipton, IN
McKinzie, William A. Eaton, IN
McKown, Curtis C. Indianapolis, IN
McMeans, Thomas W. Indianapolis, IN
McMichael, Charles E. Indianapolis, IN
Mead, Neosho J. Anderson, IN
Melson, Arthur Anderson, IN
Menefee, Harley E. Indianapolis, IN
Merrill, Kenneth R. Indianapolis, IN
Metz, Allen J. Indianapolis, IN
Mewborn, Henry A. Indianapolis, IN
Meyer, Andrew C. Indianapolis, IN
Meyer, William H. Indianapolis, IN
Middaugh, Maske W. Indianapolis, IN
Miller, Arval H. Martinsville, IN
Miller, Clifford G. Indianapolis, IN
Miller, Grover C. Indianapolis, IN
Miller, Harold D. Indianapolis, IN
Miller, Wayne L. Kentland, IN
Mills, Leonard C. Indianapolis, IN
Milner, Edwin E. Muncie, IN
Mitchell, Hugh K. Indianapolis, IN
Mitchell, James C. Detroit, MI
Mitchell, Martin Thorntown, IN
Mochwart, John H. Newcastle, IN
Mock, Ray R. Indianapolis, IN
Money, Artie T. Shelbyville, IN
Montgomery, Frank W. Indianapolis, IN
Moore, Byron S. Indianapolis, IN
Moore, Edward D. Indianapolis, IN?
Moore, Paul H. Indianapolis, IN
Morgan, John Indianapolis, IN
Morgan, Pierre S. Indianapolis, IN
Morlan, Willard M. Indianapolis, IN
Morris, Irvin Indianapolis, IN
Morris, William E. Atlanta, IN
Morrison, William H. Indianapolis, IN?
Morrissey, Thurl G. Indianapolis, IN
Morse, Judson W. Newcastle, IN
Morse, Perry A. Elwood, IN
Mowwe, Earnest C. Indianapolis, IN
Mullendore, Henry K. Indianapolis, IN
Mullikin, James O. Greensburg, IN
Mullis, Rufus T. Indianapolis, IN
Munday, R. L. Indianapolis, IN
Murphy, John W. Jr. Greenwood, IN
Murray, John W. Indianapolis, IN
Myers, Claude P. Anderson, IN
Myers, Harold W. Indianapolis, IN
Myers, Myrl W. Greenwood, IN
Myers, Walter C. Indianapolis, IN
Naegeli, Walter E. Indianapolis, IN
Nation, Samuel Indianapolis, IN
Neal, Noel C. Noblesville, IN
Nelsen, Edward L. Indianapolis, IN
Nelson, Thomas A. Indianapolis, IN
Nester, Henry G. Indianapolis, IN
Newcomer, Frank Indianapolis, IN
Nicholson, Watson C. Newcastle, IN
Noblitt, John C. Columbus, IN
Noel, James W. Indianapolis, IN
Nolen, Harry F. Indianapolis, IN
Nuerge, Fred H. Indianapolis, IN
Nunamaker, Clarence N. West Newton, IN
Oburn, Samuel J. Indianapolis, IN
Ogden, James M. Indianapolis, IN
Okes, Ulysses S. Indianapolis, IN
Osborn, Wiley L. Indianapolis, IN
Osswald, Howard Indianapolis, IN
Ottman, Edwin A. Indianapolis, IN
Owen, Charles E. Indianapolis, IN
Owens, Paul L. Indianapolis, IN
Oxnam, Garfield B. Greencastle, IN
Pangborn, Mark W. Indianapolis, IN
Parkinson, John W. Anderson, IN
Partlow, Ralph W. Indianapolis, IN
Passel, Howard F. Indianapolis, IN
Patenaude, Joseph A. Indianapolis, IN
Patrick, Delmar G. Indianapolis, IN
Payne, Fernandus Bloomington, IN
Payne, George W. Indianapolis, IN
Payne, Lowell W. Indianapolis, IN
Pearcy, William T. Indianapolis, IN
Peck, Maurice B. Monticello, IN
Pedlow, Edward L. Indianapolis, IN
Pedlow, Winston E. Indianapolis, IN
Peltier, Edmund L. Indianapolis, IN
Pennypacker, Lindley A. Indianapolis, IN
Perham, Stanley H. Indianapolis, IN
Perrin, James F. Noblesville, IN
Perry, James E. Indianapolis, IN
Petry, James C. Anderson, IN
Phillips, Albert W. Columbus, IN
Philpott, Ted O. Indianapolis, IN
Phipps, Henry M. Indianapolis, IN
Pidgeon, Elmer F. Spiceland, IN
Pigg, Andy T. Indianapolis, IN
Pihl, Harry A. Indianapolis, IN
Pilcher, Doyle A. Indianapolis, IN
Pippenger, Bernard G. Indianapolis, IN
Pittenger, Lemuel A. Muncie, IN
Pittenger, Ursi B. Logansport, IN
Ploenges, Clarence Cumberland, IN
Plott, Edwin S. Indianapolis, IN
Plummer, Leroy Indianapolis, IN
Poehner, Robert E. Indianapolis, IN
Pollard, Wilson E. Indianapolis, IN
Porteous, Andrew Indianapolis, IN
Porter, Walter S. Indianapolis, IN
Prall, Earl F. Indianapolis, IN
Prevo, Arthur C. Monticello, IN
Price, Charles E. Indianapolis, IN
Price, Clem W. Indianapolis, IN
Price, George W. Indianapolis, IN
Price, Stanley S. Indianapolis, IN
Prillaman, Elmer E. Yorktown, IN
Princell, Edward Indianapolis, IN
Pruitt, William Indianapolis, IN
Prutzman, Fred K. Indianapolis, IN
Raber, C. Kyrle Newcastle, IN
Rader, John H. Indianapolis, IN
Ransdell, Vere W. Indianapolis, IN
Rasmussen, Lee Indianapolis, IN
Ratican, Roy Eaton, IN
Ray, Lawrence Anderson, IN
Ray, Russell Shelbyville, IN
Raymer, William H. Anderson, IN
Reece, Walter W. New Lisbon, IN
Reed, Eurotus B. Indianapolis, IN
Reed, Forrest M. Indianapolis, IN
Reed, Warren C. Anderson, IN
Reeves, Alton C. Edinburg, IN
Renfro, Bruce Indianapolis, IN
Reynolds, Frank E. Indianapolis, IN
Reynolds, Meed H. Indianapolis, IN
Reynolds, Samuel C. Indianapolis, IN
Rhoads, Mark W. Indianapolis, IN
Rich, Earl W. Indianapolis, IN
Rich, John P. Indianapolis, IN
Riffey, Fred Indianapolis, IN
Riggin, Lloyd Muncie, IN
Riggs, Horace R. Indianapolis, IN
Rinker, Goldy M. Daleville, IN
Rinker, Raymond A. Anderson, IN
Riordan, Aden W. Indianapolis, IN
Riser, Robert R. Indianapolis, IN
Rivers, Grover A. Muncie, IN
Robbins, Lawrence H. Indianapolis, IN
Robinson, Frank W. Indianapolis, IN
Robinson, Guy A. Anderson, IN
Robinson, James F. Indianapolis, IN
Rodecap, Ora M. Anderson, IN
Rogers, Chester B. Anderson, IN
Rosemurgy, Joseph B. Indianapolis, IN
Rosenbaum, Fred C. New Palestine, IN
Ross, James S. Indianapolis, IN
Rowe, Glen W. Indianapolis, IN
Rush, Perry M. Greencastle, IN
Rushton, Carl S. Indianapolis, IN
Russell, John M. Indianapolis, IN
Russell, Philip O. Indianapolis, IN
Rust, Roland B. Richmond, IN
Rutledge, Mathew C. Beech Grove, IN
Ryan, Howard E. Indianapolis, IN
Sargent, Harry G. Indianapolis, IN
Sayer, William E., Jr. Bloomington, IN
Scaff, William R. Indianapolis, IN
Schafer, Maurice D. Martinsville, IN
Schiek, George C. Indianapolis, IN
Schilling, Herman Indianapolis, IN
Schlaegel, Theodore F. Indianapolis, IN
Schlicht, Harold J. Indianapolis, IN
Schmidt, Wm. C. Indianapolis, IN
Schnell, Victor A. Greencastle, IN
Schoenlaub, James C. Indianapolis, IN
Schwankhaus, Harry A. Indianapolis, IN
Scofield, Albert H. Indianapolis, IN
Scott, Emery J. Noblesville, IN
Sebree, Arthur E. Indianapolis, IN
See, George H. Indianapolis, IN
Sefton, Horace W. Indianapolis, IN
Selka, Herman Indianapolis, IN
Settles, Ira E. Franklin, IN
Shaheen, Nicholas Indianapolis, IN
Shake, Alva O. Indianapolis, IN
Shaneberger, Harry T. Indianapolis, IN
Shaufelberger, Benjamin Indianapolis, IN
Sheets, Dewey T. Muncie, IN
Shelhorn, Walter E. Indianapolis, IN
Shelton, Edwin E. Indianapolis, IN
Shelton, Louis A. Indianapolis, IN
Sherwood, Charles A. Indianapolis, IN
Shields, Dwight M. Indianapolis, IN
Shindel, Herbert R. Lafayette, IN
Shinkle, Caleb Anderson, IN
Shirley, Arley E. Indianapolis, IN
Shirley, Ottie N. Indianapolis, IN
Shively, William H. Monrovia, IN
Sholty, O. Verne Indianapolis, IN
Short, Eugene W. Indianapolis, IN
Shroyer, Roscoe N. Daleville, IN
Shrum, Herbert R. Indianapolis, IN
Shutters, Winfred G. Indianapolis, IN
Sigmon, Zachary E. Indianapolis, IN
Simms, James E. Anderson, IN
Singleton, Roscoe R. Indianapolis, IN
Sisson, Frank T. Indianapolis, IN
Sisson, Winfred E. Indianapolis, IN
Skelton, Prentice E. Indianapolis, IN
Slenker, Glenn R. Monticello, IN
Small, Clifford A. Indianapolis, IN
Smeltzer, Guy F. Muncie, IN
Smeyers, James L. Indianapolis, IN
Smith, Frederick S. Indianapolis, IN
Smith, George R. Indianapolis, IN
Smith, Isaac N. Indianapolis, IN
Smith, Perry B. Indianapolis, IN
Smith, William A. Indianapolis, IN
Snapp, James V. Indianapolis, IN
Snider, Chauncey W. Indianapolis, IN
Snively, Paul G. Columbus, IN
Snyder, A. H. Indianapolis, IN
Sommer, Francis A. Indianapolis, IN
Spaethe, Robert A. Indianapolis, IN
Spangler, George F. Indianapolis, IN
Spangler, William F. Indianapolis, IN
Spellman, Charles B. Indianapolis, IN
Spencer, Ira C. Indianapolis, IN
Spinner, George W. Indianapolis, IN
Springer, Ralph G. Greenwood, IN
Springer, William O. Greenwood, IN
Sprinkle, Emil C. Logansport, IN
St. Clair, John A. Indianapolis, IN
Stain, Charles E. Indianapolis, IN
Stalker, George L. Indianapolis, IN
Stanford, Fred H. Indianapolis, IN
Stanley, Wilbur P. Indianapolis, IN
Stark, Elgan C. Indianapolis, IN
Steeg, Henry B. Indianapolis, IN
Stegall, Ora E. Richmond, IN
Steinhauer, Fred, Jr. Indianapolis, IN
Stevenson, John T. Kirklin, IN
Stevenson, Lincoln A. Lincoln, IN
Stewart, John T. Indianapolis, IN
Stewart, Walter E. Terre Haute, IN
Stewart, William D. Indianapolis, IN
Stiles, Hayes M. Indianapolis, IN
Stoops, William T. Indianapolis, IN
Stout, Harvey B. Indianapolis, IN
Strassner, William M. Anderson, IN
Strickland, Clarence R. Indianapolis, IN
Strode, David B. Indianapolis, IN
Stumph, John R. Indianapolis, IN
Suesz, Otto H. Indianapolis, IN
Sullins, Arthur D. Lafayette, IN
Summerville, William F. Bainbridge, IN
Sutton, Bruce E. Muncie, IN
Sutton, Robert W. Montezuma, IN
Swaner, Thomas Richmond, IN
Tapp, George H. Richmond, IN
Teetor, Ralph R. Hagerstown, IN
Teter, Emery C. Indianapolis, IN
Thacker, Jefferson D. Indianapolis, IN
Thiesing, Karl H. Indianapolis, IN
Thiesing, Louis M. Indianapolis, IN
Thomas, Albert A. Indianapolis, IN
Thomas, Harry C. Indianapolis, IN
Thomas, Harvey Indianapolis, IN
Thomas, William A. Indianapolis, IN
Thomas, William H. Martinsville, IN
Thomas, William R. Indianapolis, IN
Thompson, Edwin Danville, IN
Thompson, Robert M. Indianapolis, IN
Thornburg, Ira C. Muncie, IN
Tillman, Truman P. Indianapolis, IN
Trisler, Thomas O. Indianapolis, IN
Trueman, Charles T. Indianapolis, IN
Tucker, O. Arnold, M.D. Daleville, IN
Turnbull, John H. Indianapolis, IN
Turner, George L., Jr. Indianapolis, IN
Udell, Ralph D. Indianapolis, IN
Uland, Scott T. Indianapolis, IN
Unversaw, Bert A. Indianapolis, IN
Valentine, Roy H. Newcastle, IN
Van Horn, Ernest Indianapolis, IN
Van Nuys, John L. Thorntown, IN
Van Skyock, Rolland R. Eaton, IN
Van Zant, John T. Indianapolis, IN
Vance, John K. Indianapolis, IN
Vaser, Edward M. Indianapolis, IN
Vivion, Albert G. Indianapolis, IN
Vockel, Paul W. Indianapolis, IN
Vogelgesang, Carl E. Indianapolis, IN
Volz, John D. Indianapolis, IN
Voris, J. Maurice Whiteland, IN
Wade, Robert J. Mooresville, IN
Wahl, G. Adolph Indianapolis, IN
Walker, Hugh B. Indianapolis, IN
Walters, John A. Paragon, IN
Walton, John Rosedale, IN
Ward, Walter W. Indianapolis, IN
Weaver, Carson D. Indianapolis, IN
Weaver, Clarence R. Indianapolis, IN
Webster, Charles B. Indianapolis, IN
Webster, Oscar Indianapolis, IN
Weiland, Louis A. Indianapolis, IN
Weinmann, Frank H. Indianapolis, IN
Weissgerber, John C. Richmond, IN
Welker, Lee Indianapolis, IN
Wells, Herman H. Indianapolis, IN
Wells, Wayne M. Indianapolis, IN
Wertz, William Indianapolis, IN
Westover, Bert J. Indianapolis, IN
Wetherhill, Arthur B. Muncie, IN
Whedon, Harry A. Indianapolis, IN
White, Aubrey Indianapolis, IN
White, Chantilla E. Indianapolis, IN
White, John A. Indianapolis, IN
White, Ralph E. Anderson, IN
White, Walter R. Indianapolis, IN
Whitridge, Samuel Indianapolis, IN
Wiant, Warren W. Indianapolis, IN
Wickser, Eugene R. Indianapolis, IN
Wiese, Lewis C. Indianapolis, IN
Wilding, Arthur A. Anderson, IN
Wilkinson, Walter F. Newcastle, IN
Williams, Arthur L. Indianapolis, IN
Williams, Emmett J. Indianapolis, IN
Williams, Forest M. Indianapolis, IN
Williams, Lewis A. Indianapolis, IN
Williams, William E. Indianapolis, IN
Williamson, Harry K. Yorktown, IN
Willis, Fred I. Indianapolis, IN?
Wilson, Clarence O. Indianapolis, IN
Wilson, Guy D. Indianapolis, IN
Wilson, John C. Greenfield, IN
Wilson, Joseph T. Indianapolis, IN
Wilson, Robert F. Indianapolis, IN
Wilson, William E. Richmond, IN
Wilson, William J. Indianapolis, IN
Winget, Jay W. Indianapolis, IN
Winship, Wilbur H. Indianapolis, IN
Wintz, Frank A. Indianapolis, IN
Wirtz, John Indianapolis, IN
Wise, Fred S. Pendleton, IN
Wishmeier, Charles H. Indianapolis, IN
Woerner, Walter W. Indianapolis, IN
Wolfgang, Lewis F. Indianapolis, IN
Wood, Edward E. Indianapolis, IN
Wood, Iris Anderson, IN
Woody, Leon M. Rosedale, IN
Wright, Ernest R. Indianapolis, IN
Wright, Lloyd S. Indianapolis, IN
Wright, Oliver P. Indianapolis, IN
Wright, Thomas B. Indianapolis, IN
Wysong, Harry B. Indianapolis, IN
York, Carl R. Indianapolis, IN
Young, Robert T. Indianapolis, IN
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